Better systems for startups and SMEs

Are you running a startup or SME that needs more technology than a simple website? Maybe you want more efficient internal systems than cobblisng together a bunch of services from different providers. Maybe both?

Faster to market without compromising quality

We use a technology stack that is well suited to getting a site working quickly, and is a great platform for providing the APIs required by mobile apps.

Most of all, we have an approach that minimises costs and reduces time to market by creating an MVP quickly. We aim to get to a real MVP you can launch with within weeks or months, not just a prototype or proof of concept.

Our approach is to develop a prototype and then an minimal viable product so you can launch faster, and start generating revenue.

Another advantage is that you start getting customer feedback sooner. Real world feedback is the best way to make a product people want.

It also gives you a chance to monitor results as the project progresses, stage by stage, feature by feature.

This is a cost effective approach and a lower risk one too. You avoid developing the wrong product and having to throw away a lot of work that did not do what was really required.

Efficient internal systems

We can deploy your own email servers, video conferening, chat and collaboration servers that will be more flexible, private, and secure than third party services, and more cost effective as well for teams with more than two or three people. This puts the basics in place

We can provide systems to manage your customers, communicate internally, track orders, send invoices, and more.

We can integrate all these with websites and web apps, financial systems, and almost anything else you need to provide smooth and efficient workflow.

Why Django?

I came to Django after trying multiple platforms. The site that shows off the other side of my skill set was originally part of a site that used a custom CMS written in TCL, then migrated to Wordpress, then to ModX, then to a static site generated with Latex (to allow the production of a book version of the content from the same text), and finally to Django. I have tried several web frameworks, and evaluated dozens, and Django is my favourite because it is productive and maintainable. Productivity reduces work and costs up front, and maintainability reduces work and costs in the long term.

Python encourages clean and maintainable code, Django uses Python. Django is relatively hard to learn, but that is because it provides so much functionality.